Origin: Africa
Single Speed Coffee Roasters
Ethiopian - Yirgacheffe
Ethiopia is the origin of all coffee, and as such grows wild in the coffee growing regions. Unlike in other coffee growing countries, which have one, or very few, coffee varieties on a farm, in Ethiopia it is far more varied.
The Aynalem Kupo coffee processing site supports 200 smallholder farms surrounding Bareda kebele (Bareda town) in Gedeb. The farms in this area grow coffee at elevations of 1800-2200 meters above sea level and deliver ripe cherry to the washing station daily.
Region: Yirgacheffe
Farm: Smallholder Farms
Producer: Local Producers
Elevation: 1.800-2.000
Varietal: Heirloom
Process: Washed.
Roast level: Light/Medium
Cupping Notes: Floral - black tea - lemon - orange - bright and crisp
Cupping score: 83