Single Speed Coffee Roasters
Sumatra - Lintong TP
Lintong lies Southwest of Lake Toba, on a plateau rich in biodiversity. Most farms in this region are small, and interplanted with other sustenance crops, with coffee lots for export being made up of local producers from the whole area. Everything on the farm is done by hand, from picking to pulping to the Lintong signature triple picking process.
Origin: Indonesia
Region: Lintong TP
Farm: Small holder farms
Producer: Local Producers
Elevation: 1.300-1.600
Varietal: Sigararutang, Jember Lini S795, Andungsari
Process: Wet Hulled. It is pulped, then stored in bags overnight and further dried on patios for 2-3 days, which gives them a rich blue-green hue. It is then hulled, removing the parchment and dried the rest of the way.
Roast level: Medium/Dark
Cupping Notes: Medium body, cumin spice, basil, roasted green pepper, complex acidity and aroma
Cupping score: 84